Girls High School

Shaare Torah Girls High School has become legendary for excellence. We have earned a reputation as an institution that offers rigorous academics and Torah inspiration to contented students who love school. We have created a warm and nurturing environment where every one of our students and their success in every area of life is our focus.

Academic excellence is the standard at Shaare Torah Girls High School. Our extensive college and career programming and advisement prepare our students to explore diverse opportunities after graduation. Through our affiliation with accredited colleges and the AP College Board program, our students can earn up to 33 college credits while still in High School. The education our students receive here enables them to continue their education in any school or program they choose and to succeed in their career of choice.

Our Judaic Studies program is comprehensive, with an emphasis not only on academic skills, but also on personal growth. Here, a love of Torah is etched on our students’ hearts and guides them throughout their lives.

Every subject is carefully crafted with the overarching interest in “what will our girls gain the most from, and learn the most, halachically and hashkafically?” Classes are taught with a focus on the practical application. Emphasis on midot crystallizes the knowledge that character is our most prized possession.

A self-confident young lady is a happy young lady. At Shaare, self-confidence is built through encouragement and caring. Our students are offered a wide selection of co-curricular programming that expands their education and understanding of the broader world. A variety of extracurricular activities make their high school years rewarding and exciting and offer many opportunities to extend themselves to discover and put their G-d-given talents to use.

In times when raising a secure, well-adjusted, accomplished teen has become quite difficult; Shaare Torah Girls High School has risen to the challenge and is soaring! Our girls graduate knowing that they are a treasure trove of talent. They graduate with a belief in themselves and a vision for the future that will allow them to maximize their potential.

Contact Girls High School Administration

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1768 Ocean Ave
Brooklyn NY 11230

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